Signs there is black mold in your house and what to do

black mold removal toronto

Black mold is one of the most toxic indoor molds that mostly grow in dark areas that are damp and humid. Stachybotrys chartarum  (also known as black mold), is a greenish-black mold in the fungal division Deuteromycota. Black mold is toxic, S.  chartarum  was  reported  to  induce  sensory  irritation,  inflammatory,  and/or  pulmonary  responses  in  mice  and  rats. Recent epidemiologic investigations have suggested there is an association between exposure to S. chartarum and toxic inflammatory effects in infants, in courthouse workers, and in office workers, as well as between S. chartarum and extreme chronic fatigue syndrome in hospital workers.

How harmful is black mold?

And what are the signs of black mold in your house? What methods should be used in black mold removal?

These are the most common and reasonable questions home and property owners ask themselves whenever there is suspicion of toxic black mold infestation on the premises. Black mold causes all kinds of respiratory reactions such as sneezing, sore throats, coughing, watery and itchy eyes. Black mold is toxic and prolonged exposure can lead to serious health consequences, a reason why you should address its infestation as soon as you can and as thoroughly as you can.

black mold in basement

What are the signs of black mold in your house?

Here are some signs that might indicate the presence of black mold on your premises.

  1. Musty smell.

Have you detected musty odours in your house? If yes, it is advisable to investigate any kind of smell that isn’t common in your home or building by thoroughly checking the area where it is coming from. Any musty, earthy, and pungent smell indicates a mold issue. Sometimes mold grows underneath drywall or tiles. In this case, you may not see any signs of mold at first glance.

  1. Visible dark rings and spots from spores.

The presence of visible dark and spore spots is the easiest and most apparent way to tell if you have black mold in your house. The dark rings and spots mostly appear on the ceilings and walls, which is an indication of water leakage. Ensure you get help from a mold inspection expert, like Trax Mold Removal, to check the area well, as what you may be seeing could be just the tip of the iceberg.

  1. Respiratory issues.

Black mold exposure leads to respiratory issues and difficulty in breathing. The presence of black mold in your premises could cause you to experience symptoms such as headaches, sneezing, coughing, and skin irritation without knowing the main cause. It is important to get checked and also check if there is any sign of black mold in your house in case you are struggling with such symptoms more regularly. In case of any visible mold, reach out to a black mold remediation company to help you get things under control.

  1. Does your premises have a history of flooding?

If you know that your house has ever flooded in the past, it is possible to get mold issues later on. There may be no signs of molds shortly after flooding, but that doesn’t mean that the area can’t be infested. Check on the area after a few weeks to determine any signs of black mold.


How do you get rid of black mold?

After discovering where the black mold is hiding in your house, it is important to get rid of it to avoid serious health consequences from long-term exposure. You should NOT try to remove black mold yourself. Mold spores when disturbed are released in the air and can travel through your HVAC system contaminating other rooms and surfaces. When it comes to black mold in the attic, prolonged exposure to it, while trying to clean it, has resulted to death due to toxicity. Black mold must be isolated and remediated by a certified mold removal company.

We offer black mold testing and inspection, removal and remediation, give us a call today: 905-882-3141